March 19th, 2016

MyKpopHuntress are lucky enough to get our first dip of EXO’s EXOluXion when it kickstarted last year in Seoul and this year we advanced our luck by getting the chance to experience EXOluXion right here at our home in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Being the second of their world tour, this is actually the first time Malaysia is bound for a stop and a final one at it too. The concert which were jointly presented by Spritzer Mineral Water and Robson Hill Residency are exclusively organized by Star Planet Sdn. Bhd. where 14,000 spectators made it a full house, coming from locals and fans from Brunei, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and many more.
Construction at the venue for the concert started by one week earlier, starting off by flying in many large containers from abroad. As a big scale concert, many equipments are prepared to perfect the elements of the concert which includes gigantic high-definition screens, state-of-the-art audio and visual, pyro, hydraulic lifts, mini pools and stage extended well into the audience. Total production sees more than 30 trucks with 300 crews involved while expenses for the stage production is close to RM 2 Million. A grand effort for a grand entrance indeed.

Weather in Malaysia has been ungodly humid however, EXO’s fans or known as EXO-Ls fan away the burning sun to queue as early as when the sun rises. Iy subsided by the evening and the rain starts to pour 2 hours before the concert, fans are still standing strong despite the unfortunate weather. Thumbs up to the passionate fans! Luckily the rain goes away right before entrance are open for fans to fill in the seats.
The show started 10 minutes later than the scheduled 8PM, where the enormous HD screens welcomes the concert spectators with introduction video inviting no less of a screaming from the fans throughout the play. Lights are dimmed and fans lit their lightsticks to form a sea of silver lights. EXO with complete number of members in 9 stood with dramatic lightings and mists, evoking an even louder scream which we could understand since the China’s exclusive member LAY had been missing a lot of the tour’s stops due to his solo activities and somehow made it for the final overseas’ stop.

Opening the concert with their hit song ‘Overdose’ and ‘History’ the golden jacket-clad EXO with light sabers in hand continues their opening with ‘El Dorado’, performing on elevated stage and sets a great adrenaline rush for viewers to continue enjoying what they have got to offer in the coming segments.

EXO greeted the fans with the help of an interpreter and leader Suho tried to communicate directly by speaking few sentences in English. The members are saying this the first time they’re doing an outdoor concert in the tour and how the weather is as hot as the passionate fans, evoking an encouraging screams from the fans. Chanyeol is trying to give an explanation of the meaning behind ‘Kuala Lumpur’ but were struggling while he is at it and settles with he is just really happy to be in our country. We applaud their effort to make the local fans feel closer with them!
The flow of the concert is pretty much the same with their Seoul’s entree where we have covered before in this article. What amazes us is the fact that we get to see the whole technology and equipments that we once saw in Korea were all here, in Stadium Merdeka. The diamond DJ deck, the moving piano, elevated stage, the laser works, steel mock building, confetti and ribbon cannon, mini pools and more. It was so well-prepared that the sudden fireworks in the sky during their ‘PLAYBOY’ performance were thought as part of the show. A very well versed concert indeed.

EXOluXion in Malaysia sees two kinds of belated and early celebrations of EXO and fans. One when EXO insists to bring back the Christmas feelings and surroundings in the stadium by performing their Christmas hit songs, Miracles in December and The First Snow. Another when fans started singing ‘Happy Birthday’, puzzling the members once and then to be understood that they would like to celebrate Xiumin’s birthday in advance. Both members and fans then sing together for Xiumin who is celebrating his 26th birthday in standard global age, this 26th March. Making every memories counts, aren’t they? What a delightful event to both fans and the artists.

The show ends with encore of ‘Sing for You’ performance where the members are running around the stage, making sure everyone had a near glimpse of them before ending it once for all, thanking the fans and hoping to see them again.
EXO has performed in Malaysia for few events like Asia Super Showcase in 2012 (EXO-M only), The 27th Golden Disk Award in 2013 and MTV World Stage in 2014 which makes this as their first ever full scale concert in Malaysia. EXOluXion has toured from Korea, China, Japan to countries like Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Taiwan to the North American region, USA and Canada before wrapping their overseas tour in Malaysia. EXO will be having their encore concert, EXOluXion Dot in Seoul, Korea for three days continuously to mark the end of the EXOluXion tour altogether from 18th, 19th and 20th of March 2016.
Congratulations to EXO for a really well-off concert in Malaysia and we’re wishing all the best for their encore in Seoul this weekend.
We’ve had a jolly good time just like how we did in Seoul however MyKpopHuntress always prefers the one at home where we feel much closer to the heart.

Posted in Concert / Award, Coverage
Tags: EXO, exo concert, exo in malaysia, EXO-L, exoluxioniMY, Malaysia Concert
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