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[Coverage] Eternity in Malaysia with Ong Seongwu

On 23rd March 2019, multi-talented idol and actor, Ong Seongwu made his first solo appearance in Malaysia for the Ong Seongwu First Fan Meeting in Malaysia <Eternity> at Axiata Arena, Kuala Lumpur. The former member of the debuting Produce 101 Season 2 group, WANNA ONE has brought a crowd of almost 4,000 attendees to his first fanmeeting here in Malaysia. Other than Malaysia, fans also came from Thailand, Australia and even the U.S., braving the sun and heavy rain on that day to see Ong Seongwu.

When were asked about his feelings about coming back to Malaysia as a solo singer during a press conference, he was excited since it has been a while from his last visit. Seongwu also mentioned being nervous coming alone since his previous visit he came as a WANNA ONE member. Fortunately, he was optimistic and confident to complete the fanmeeting with support and cheer from his fans.

The fanmeeting’s <Eternity> was meant for the fans to enjoy and cherish the memories spent together, forever, the idol said. It was raining heavily before the fanmeeting started, but fans still throng to the venue to attend the fanmeeting.

The fanmeeting started with a VCR of Ong Seongwu walking through the backstage on his way towards the main stage. He then appeared on the stage to the sound of 4,000 fans screaming while dancing to the song Treasure by Bruno Mars. The fanmeeting was then continued with the presence of an emcee where Seongwu introduced himself to the fans and had a small talk segment. Seongwu was then handed a tablet device to view fans’ questions.

Known for his love of photography, the fanmeeting continues to the next segment called Ongstagram where Seongwu showed the fans a couple of photos he took himself. Seongwu was then given a bouquet of flowers as a present from his Malaysian fans and in exchange, the solo singer gave away a few signed photocards to chosen fans through a lucky draw. For the next segment Ongplay where he shared his music recommendations, Seongwu danced to a medley of WANNA ONE title track for his fans.

Seongwu came back to the stage after a short VCR, donning a suit for the next stage, before serenading his fans with ‘Please’ by Lee Sora. For the next segment I Will Catch A Star For You, Seongwu played a variety of games like The Claw MachineWhat’s in the Coffee and Let’s Sing a Malaysian Song. The song ‘Rasa Sayang’ was then sung to Seongwu by the fans before the idol proceeds to sing it back confidently. Seongwu then sang Love This Moment by Kim Jinho of SG Wannabe as his last song before ending the fanmeeting with a dance performance.

The fanmeeting concluded after a high touch session with all the attendees of the fanmeeting and a photo session with selected lucky fans.

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